
Initial Fee (followed by monthly subscription fees):

Initial one-time fee paid when CCC commences work:  $4,800
Additional one-time fee for firms acquiring optional Form Pleadings feature:  $3,600

Monthly Subscription Fee:

Monthly fee begins in month following initial installation of CCC Macro Pro in client’s environment.
Start with $800 base fee  (minimum 15 user license)
Then, if licensing more than 15 users, add per-user fees based on this schedule:
$800 minimum base fee for 1 to 15 users
Add $10 per user, for users 16 and above
For 300 users or more, please contact us for pricing

PLEASE NOTE: “Users” are defined as people for whom the macro system is installed and/or who will appear in the macro system database as authors.

What the Subscription Includes:

The Initial Fee and Monthly Subscription Fees include:

• All non-optional features listed in the current CCC Macro Pro list of features, as well as standard customization, installation and support specified in our Software License and Subscription Agreement, a copy of which may be provided upon request. If Licensee is upgrading from a previous version of the Software, the Software shall include all features provided in the previous version, even if they are not specified herein, as well as optional features specified herein. As more particularly specified in the License Agreement labor for further customization or other additional work or support is charged by the hour at our regular rate, which currently is $220 per hour. An estimate of additional hourly charges may be provided upon request.

• Free periodic updates to comply with new court rules or laws.

• Free periodic updates to standard elements of the system, as we make corrections and improvements to our system, in order to keep your code up to date.

• Free ongoing support to correct any bugs or defects in the system.

• Upgrades or replacements of CCC Macro Pro at no extra cost when Licensee adopts a new version of MS-Office, provided such upgrade or replacement occurs no sooner than 3 years from the initial installation performed under this Agreement and no more often than each 3 years thereafter. Should Licensee wish to upgrade to a new version of MS-Office prior to the expiration of this 3-year term, Licensee shall pay an additional one-time fee of $3,600 for such upgrade, provided the upgrade is installed no less than 2 years from the initial installation or from the date the previous upgrade was installed. If Licensee wishes to upgrade sooner than 2 years from the initial installation or from the date the previous upgrade was installed, CCC may request a larger one-time fee to perform such an upgrade, and any agreement by CCC to perform such an upgrade shall be subject to agreement between CCC and Licensee regarding such a fee.